InKoinoniabyj taliaferroChristian ExcusesSanctification or excuses, you decideSep 17, 20215Sep 17, 20215
InKoinoniabyj taliaferroChristian Excuses: It’s NaturalDon’t pluck out your eye just yet!Oct 22, 20212Oct 22, 20212
InKoinoniabyj taliaferroChristian Excuses: It’s Not My GiftingEvangelistic cowardiceSep 18, 20214Sep 18, 20214
InKoinoniabyj taliaferroChristian Excuses: I’ll Serve the Lord When I’m OlderWhen is the right time to serve God?Oct 15, 20211Oct 15, 20211
InKoinoniabyj taliaferroChristian Excuses: They Have a Great Children’s ProgramDoes the church exist only to meet your needs?Oct 20, 20213Oct 20, 20213
InKoinoniabyj taliaferroChristian Excuses: They Will Just Use It On DrugsWhat does Jesus say about helping the needy?Sep 22, 20214Sep 22, 20214
InKoinoniabyj taliaferroChristian Excuses: There are Lost People Here in AmericaThe discomfort of the Great CommissionOct 1, 20211Oct 1, 20211
InKoinoniabyj taliaferroChristian Excuses: Forgive but Don’t ForgetExploring Jesus’ teachings on forgivenessOct 8, 20213Oct 8, 20213
InKoinoniabyj taliaferroChristian Excuses: I Need To VentFrom the same mouth, praise and cursingDec 6, 20219Dec 6, 20219